Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Merry Christmas!
I left Omaha on December 8th in a snow storm, missed my flight from Chicago to NYC, missed my flight from NYC to Africa and had to find a hotel in NYC. The next day I flew through Germany to Libreville Gabon with a stop in Accra, Ghana as well. With a complication that smoke was detected in the baggage hold so we had to stay several hours in Accra while the firemen checked out the plane. All was "ok" so we boarded again and made our way to Libreville. I arrived about midnight on Thursday evening December10 and flew down to the Bongolo Hospital area the next morning.
Thanks for praying for my settling in at my Bongolo Hospital home. I have moved much of what I want from the attic downstairs into my side of the duplex. I have not yet found the two can openers that I KNOW are upstairs somewhere. Joanna Thelander loaned me a can opener until I can find mine.
Becki Thompson has turned over the Director of the Bongolo Nursing School responsibilities to me and I have also been working on the two courses that I will start teaching the week of January 4th. I did learn that one of our Nursing Students was let go at the end of the last semester because of bad grades. Two other Nursing Students of the nine who are left are on probation and must improve their grades this next quarter!
The Christmas season has arrived at the Bongolo Hospital Mission Station here in Gabon. It started last Sunday afternoon with a "Cookies and Photo Shoot" party at Keir and Joanna Thelander's home. Above see the photo that is the result of the one opportunity that we had to have everyone together after my arrival and before the departure of Dave & Becki Thompson and Karen Fitch on their six month Home Assignments! We took many group photos but this one was the BEST. Can you tell who pushed the camera button and ran to get in the photo? Tim Kelly made it into his place, all but one foot!
Ten Days of Christmas movies are being shown at Paul and Meladee Davis' home. Each evening they are showing a different Christmas movie and anyone attend. I have been two evenings so far. I also had one evening where I invited my African friend Christine over for dinner and the movie "White Christmas". Three missionaries joined us for dinner and two of them stayed for the movie which we watched in French with English subtitles. Christine loves musicals.
Christmas Eve at 5:30 many of us are going to a new restaurant in town to celebrate Dr. Renee Valach's Birthday! From 7-8:30 pm we are going to Paul and Meladee's for a "Cookies, Cocoa & Caroling" party. I am not sure where we are going to go caroling but it should be fun.
Christmas Morning we will go to Christmas services at various churches. I think that I will probably stay here at the Bongolo Church for Christmas morning. The Bongolo church is right next to the Hospital and every Sunday has many patients and/or their family members who attend the services. I am sure that many will also attend the Christmas service. At about 2 pm we Missionaries will all meet together at Tim & Amanda Kelly's home for a Christmas Potluck dinner. I am preparing two chickens, a pie and a salad of some sort, maybe cabbage.
Good News! The Bongolo Cessna 207 Plane should arrive in Gabon on Monday, December 11th! Check out the website of Steve and Alace Straw at: for the news. The Bongolo Ambulance Service is about to begin! Thanks for your prayers for this over many years.
The Bongolo Hospital Nursing School students will start their third year of classes beginning January 4th. I will be teaching five hours a week, 4 hours of Traumatology and 1 hour of Bible (an Evangelism course). Lisa Nicky will be teaching the other five hours. The students have practical work in the hospital each morning and classes for two hours each afternoon, Monday through Friday.
Have a very Blessed Christmas as you celebrate the birth of Christ during these next days.
Luke 1:14 "And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth"
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Fire Trucks in Accra!

Where is Accra? It is in Ghana, Africa. What was I doing in Accra? Well, here is my story...
I flew out of Omaha on Tuesday, in the beginning of their snow storm that dumped ten inches of snow on the city. We were late flying out so I missed my flight in Chicago (two flights in fact) and finally got to NYC about midnight. Of course I had missed my flight to Casablanca so I found a hotel room for the rest of that night. The next day my travel agent was able to get me on a flight going to Frankfort Germany and then down to Libreville, Gabon which is the city I had been aiming at all the time. My flight to Frankfort was uneventful. The flight out of Frankfort was delayed a bit but not too bad. We had a normal landing in Accra Ghana to let out most of the passengers and then the plane planned to take the rest of us, about twenty passengers, on to Libreville.
Before landing or maybe on landing the pilots noticed the smoke detector went off in one of the baggage holds so they activated the FOAM covering. Three fire trucks met us on the runway! We all had to get off of the plane while the firemen checked out the baggage area and all of our baggage was put into another hold. There was no fire found so we were able to get back on the plane and take off again. I don't know exactly where to foam was because my suitcases didn't look like they had been sprayed. Oh, all those of us from Economy class were bumped to Business class for the rest of the flight!
I got into Libreville just before midnight and to the Guest House before midnight. I did a little online and then went to bed and slept well, not long enough but well. Today I will take my last fight which will get me two hours from Bongolo Hospital. The hospital chauffeur will pick me up. I think he will be driving my own car as it needs a safety inspection!
Today's Positives:
1. The travel agent was able to get my tickets changed and get me to Africa!
2. There was no fire on the plane.
3. The Police process to get into the country only took about twenty minutes.
4. I was able to sleep in a bed last night, instead of sitting in a chair!
5. My last flight is today and I should be HOME!
6. So many friends have prayed for me during this 36 hour trip!
7. God is so good!
Update: I had a great flight to the provincial capital and then a two hour ride to my home at Bongolo Hospital. It's great to be home. Home Sweet Home! Thanks to everyone who prayed for me during this trip which lasted from Tuesday morning through Friday.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Stuck in NYC!

While still in Omaha my next flight out of Chicago was changed from one airline to another because I would be missing my flight. With the delay on the plane I missed the SECOND flight too. The flight to Chicago was uneventful but then I had to wait until a later flight, having missed my flight. That 5:30 flight didn't leave Chicago until about 8pm local and I didn't get to NYC until about 11:30pm and to a hotel at nearly 1am!!!
Now you ask, what about my flight to Africa? Well, it was missed of course. The next open seat on that airline is not until SUNDAY!! My travel agent is now working on it, if to convince the airlines that I must travel before Sunday or else to try to change airlines.
The Lord has reminded me of the following verses for this trip:
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." Prov. 3:5-6
Todays Positives:
I had friends help me with last minute packing!
I made it to NYC, without getting stuck in Omaha nor Chicago's blizzard!
I found a good priced Super 8 Motel that gave me an AARP discount!
I have wireless internet here at the hotel!!!!!!!
The Lord is directly my path!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
God has been very good to me this past year and for that I give HIM thanks. Some recent/current things that I thank Him for are:
- Jesus is my Savior and I know that He is coming back soon!
- A hospital visitor did a total redesigning of the website and I have been able to keep it up!
- Eric and Wendy Hofman (Ophthalmologist) arrived at Bongolo Hospital, sent by Samaritan's Purse. Just before I left Gabon, Eric was able to take over the Hospital Bookkeeping that I was doing!
- I have had a good six month Home Assignment, mostly in Omaha!
- In June I celebrated 5 years as an ovarian cancer survivor!
- In August I celebrated my 60th Birthday!
- God has been with me and helped me as I have traveled and spoken in many churches these past months.
- I have been relatively healthy since being in the States. The asthma flair up that I have had this past month is about over!
- I was able to get an H1N1 flu vaccination at my Doctor's office last Friday!
- I have been able to see many relatives this summer and fall, including some cousins I had never before met!
- I leave for Gabon December 8th, two weeks from today!
- I have received my Entry Permit to Gabon (like a Visa)!
- Although I will have to pay for the third piece, the Airlines will accept three suitcases when I fly!
- My Nissan Patrol vehicle in Gabon is ready for my use!
- The Lord is helping me get all the "things" done that need to get done before my flight date!
- I get to celebrate with FOUR Thanksgiving meals, one last Sunday with cousins, one with ladies from Church on Monday and two on Thanksgiving Day ( Step Family and other cousins)! I like TURKEY!
"Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world."
Isaiah 12:4-5 (New International Version)
More Steuert Cousins!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Catching Up!
Now with just three weeks left before leaving for Gabon, I am playing "catch up" here in Omaha. With last minute purchasing to do, thank you notes to write, boxes to be packed for UPS to Ohio where a container is being prepared for shipment to Gabon and the hospital, emails to write, etc, I am enjoying the time to do these things. I'm also going out to eat with friends, still doing some speaking and enjoying watching the TV series "The Biggest Loser".
My date to fly to Gabon is December 8th. Pray that my entry permit (visa) be granted so that I can get on that plane. Thanks.
More to come….
Friday, October 9, 2009
Steuert Cousins' Reunion
I had not seen my first cousin Wayne since 1962, just before I turned 13 years old. He came with his wife Glenda and his daughter Keri and son Matthew (see below). My brother Bill was there with his wife Shari. My brother David was there with his wife Leslie and her daughter Courtney.
We had a great time trying to piece together our memories of growing up knowing the same people: Grandma, Aunt Harriett, Wayne's Dad and my uncle Jimmy, etc. We remembered
Monday, September 28, 2009
Glance at the Past!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thorson Cousins' Reunion
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Trip to the Zoo!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Preparing for Tour
My fall speaking tour will soon begin so I have been busy preparing talks, Power Point presentations, a display table and so forth. My tour will start by attending the fall Alliance Woman's Retreat that will be held in Orange City, Iowa the weekend of September 18th. Next I will be the missionary speaker at the Millard Alliance Mission's conference. Millard Alliance is in Omaha so I will stay at home during this six day conference. Thanks to those who are praying for me as I prepare to speak in eight different churches located in Nebraska and Colorado. My last conference ends November 15th.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Birthday Weekend!
Well, yesterday I turned 60 years old. Saturday evening my StepMom took me out to Gorat's Steakhouse for a steak dinner. A friend, Nancy Stauffer, went too. We had a nice meal and then went to the Burger King to have chocolate sundaes afterwards to celebrate my birthday.
Yesterday morning I went to Sunday School and Church and then went to "Step Out and Serve 2009". About 6,000 people from about 30 churches in Omaha spent part of the day in community service around the city. I went to the
I was on bus 22, one of the many buses from my church to go out into the city and one of two buses from my church that went to the Open Door Mission. We were each given a box lunch so we could leave just after the second church service.
I was one of about nine or ten who worked in the kitchen helping to prepare supper! After a few hours work we were bussed back to the church where we got our vehicles. I arrived home at about 5 pm. I was really glad to be able to see the Open Door Mission. I remember in the mid 60s when I was in High School and our Youth Group would go to the Mission to hold services in the chapel. The Mission had moved since then and I had not been to the "new" site. It's actually 40 years old now so I guess it is not new!
It was a good Birthday weekend and I am thankful. I am especially thankful to the Lord for giving me these sixty years!
Family Reunion!
Here is the whole Loren Thorson/Bardon clan!
Last weekend, August 7-9, we had our first ever Loren Thorson/Bardon reunion. We met at the Best Western Hotel in Nebraska City, Nebraska. All of my five brothers, their wives and some of their children and grandchildren were able to come. Also many of my step family (Bardons) were there for part or all of the reunion. We came from five States, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado and Missouri.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Carolyn's Capers Letter.. July 24
June 8th the President of Gabon passed away after 41 years in office. The National Presidental elections are scheduled for August 30 with several candidates running for office. Pray for peace to continue during and after these elections.
The Mission holds an annual Field Forum Conference which is like family camp. The dates for this conference are set for August 31- September 4, the days just after elections! Pray for wisdom in planning the meetings and safe traveling for this conference. A hotel in the town of Lambarene has been reserved for Forum. Pray for spiritual refreshment for all who attend.
While in the States I am doing quite a lot of speaking. Here is my schedule for the next months.
7/26 Speak at Soujourner's SS Class- Christ Community Church
7/27 Priscilla Women
7/30 Missionary Coffee 9:30am in Blair
8/30 Christ Community Church- Sarpy County Site
9/13 Speak at Ambassador's SS Class- Christ Community Church
9/18-20 Alliance Women's District Conference- Orange City, IA
9/22-27 Millard, NE Millard Alliance Church
9/28-10/1 Workers Retreat – Colorado Springs, CO
10/2-4 Colorado Springs, CO- Crossing Church
10/5-8 Travel/Time Off- Visit with my two brothers who live in CO.
10/9-11 Grover, CO - Friendship Alliance Church
10/12- Fly back to Omaha from Denver
10/18-21 Princeton, NE- Countryside Alliance Church
10/23-25 Bellevue, NE - Bellevue Community Church
11/1-4 Hamlet, NE- Hamlet Union Church
11/5 Travel 11/6-8 Brunswick, NE- The Community Church
11/11-15 Wahoo, NE- Wahoo Community Church
Pray for me as I prepare both my heart and my messages to present to the above churches. Thanks so much.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy July 4th Weekend!
July 4, 2009
It is hard to believe that it is already July 4th. Freedom is something to enjoy in all seriousness. Not everyone is FREE like we are in America. It is good to be able to celebrate that freedom this year on home soil! I think of John 10:10 that says “The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy: I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. ASV” I think of those around the world AND in America who are not free but are bound spiritually by the thief (Satan) and who very much need the Lord to “free” them. I rejoice in that freedom that I have in Christ who gives me abundant life. I plan to attend a picnic at my cousin’s home late this afternoon. There should be about a ten or so of us together. Tomorrow after church I’ll have lunch together with my stepfamily right here at home.
I heard that the Missionaries at the Bongolo Hospital are getting together this evening for a BBQ dinner as they celebrate July 4th. It is nice that it fell on the weekend so that they could take the time off of their busy schedule to be together.
July 5th Update: Check out the parade that they had at Bongolo Hospital yesterday!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Carolyn's Capers from Gabon to Omaha!
Thanks for praying for me these past two weeks as I traveled from Bongolo Hospital in Gabon to Omaha, Nebraska where I will make my Home Assignment/Furlough home. My last few weeks at the hospital were very busy as I sorted, threw and packed up my “stuff”. I also oriented Eric Hofman to the Hospital bookkeeping as well as helped him with Mission bookkeeping. He was a quick study for which I was very thankful.
May 18th I flew to Libreville and on the 19th and 20th went to the government office to obtain my Exit Visa. Thanks for praying. At that time I also heard that my Saturday night flight out of the country had been canceled and I was given the choice to leave one day later or one day earlier. I chose to leave on Friday night.
Friday night I flew from Libreville to Casablanca, Morocco where I then had a thirty hour layover while waiting for my next flight. Remember, I had flown there one day early. The airline gave me a hotel room. I have a good friend who works near Casablanca so she drove to the city and airport and picked me up. I had a great time as we did some sightseeing together. Above is a photo of me while in Casablanca. The second photo was taken that evening. Yes, I went to McDonald's while there! You might not be able to read the writing but you should be able to notice the "Golden Arches"!
Last week I attended Pre-Council for International workers and then the Alliance annual meeting called, “Council”. It was held at the Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky. There were good speakers and it was fun seeing lots of people I knew. My brother Larry, his wife Leslie and their daughter were also there so that was a treat. Sunday I then flew to Omaha and was picked up by my Stepmom and a friend. We then went to the Village Inn for a supper. Later that evening I went to pick up the car that I plan to borrow until mid August.
I will let you know what I’m up to as my plans unfold. I do know that this JUNE I have several medical appointments, a Bible Study on Tuesday evenings, shopping to do, friends to see and messages and audiovisuals to prepare. I have joined CURVES for the summer so will be exercising many mornings during each week. June 28th I have a speaking engagement in Maple Plain, Minnesota and I am now planning that MN trip. I do not know the exact dates or length of the trip.
Prayer Requests:
1. Praise that I have a car to use for most of the summer but please pray that I find another car to use from August 12 until December 8th when I return to Gabon.
2. Pray as I prepare messages to give in churches. I will be speaking to congregations, men, women, children, youth, and various small groups.
Thanks again for your prayers during this time of transition from Bongolo Hospital to Omaha!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
"Christmas Boxes" in April!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Make a Difference in Africa
Click and watch, "Make a Difference in Africa".
Monday, March 30, 2009
Almost Easter
Dear Family and Friends,
It is hard to believe that Easter is just two weeks away. The lesson at Memba Chapel today was on Jesus raising Lazarus back to life and also an introduction to the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Over half of those at church today were early grade school age and did
I asked you to pray about the Great Commission Fund, the Fund that supports me here on the mission field. Nearly two weeks ago we each received an email that because the GCF was having a shortfall, it had been decided that 30 missionaries around the world would be pulled home from the mission field. They would tell us in the next 5 days who that would be. Of course we all wondered if it was us or others at the hospital. After five days we heard that six missionaries in Africa will be removed from the International Ministries roster after June 30th. None of those six were in Gabon but then again, our field had already been stripped down to only seven missionaries for this new budget year. Please continue to give to the Great Commission Fund so that no more missionaries will need to be pulled from the fields. I do want to give a special thanks to people in my own church, Christ Community Church in Omaha, for their great support of the Great Commission Fund.
Speaking of BUDGET, I have been very busy going through the budget process for both the Mission and also the Hospital. I was so relieved to have those budget proposals done and await the decisions as to if they are accepted or not. At least the bulk of the work is over! YES!
On May 1st my replacement for bookkeeping responsibilities will arrive at the hospital so I have been busy getting the files for the two offices in some order so that I will have time to spend teaching him in May. Eric Hofman will replace me as the Assistant Mission bookkeeper and also the Hospital bookkeeper while I am in the States for the six months. Eric's wife Wendy will not arrive until about June 1st as she is doing an Opthomology Fellowship on the Mercy Ship. She is an eye surgeon who will be heading up our Eye Clinic. Eric and Dr. Wendy are coming to us through Samaritan's Purse. By the way, Eric grew up in Omaha and his family lives only a couple of blocks from where my Step Mom lives and from where I will live on Home Assignment! Its a Small World!
Jeff Miller, a visitor to Bongolo Hospital, contributed many hours and days of time to designed a new Bongolo Hosptial website. It is me however who is making all the entries into this new website and it is taking me hours, and days. I had hoped to have it completed by the end of March so that I could publish it using the same address but it will still be maybe a week or two before I can do that. In the meantime, the "old" website is still up and running but not being updated. I trust by my next update letter that I will be able to announce a totally new Hospital website!
My Home Assignment time is quickly approaching. I will fly from Libreville Saturday night May 23rd and fly directly to Louisville, Kentucky to the Alliance Council. After Council my flights to Omaha are for Sunday May 31st. I will be living with my StepMom so my housing is already confirmed. I do not yet have a vehicle to drive during my SIX months in the States so please pray with me about that. I also have not yet heard where I will be doing the fall "Speaking Tour".
I am leaving the planning of Easter Services at the Memba Chapel up to the Lebamba church, their parent church. I do not know what special plans if any they have for Memba. The Lebamba church sends one man to Memba each Sunday but perhaps others will participate to make Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday special.
Please do remember that CHRIST IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN INDEED!
In the name of our Risen Lord,
Monday, March 23, 2009
Happy Spring!
To the right see the red Hibiscus plant that is next to my
duplex. I also have peach Hibiscus in the yard but I prefer the red.
I understand that this orange flower is a Day Lily. Once they bloom, they do not stay around long... a day???
There is a Frangy Panny tree between my house and then next. It smells lovely when in bloom.

In my yard is also a Bird of Paradise flower.
It is not my favorite because it always seems to be covered with ants!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Meet my Namesake!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
White Bread !

Next came the bread machine. I have used one off and on over the years but with little success. My bread from the machine is heavy and does not rise. I am able to make healthy bread though as I use whole wheat flower and sometimes add Bulgar. I just does not turn out well.
A few years ago our little town got a bakery. You can see above the bread that it puts out. The long French loaves can be purchased every day but those "fat" loaves have to be special ordered. Each Monday we make our "fat bread" order and it arrives hot on Tuesday. But it is oh so yummy. I have a problem limiting the bread I eat on Tuesdays because of it having just come from the oven! The other problem of course is that it is WHITE BREAD.
I have found a recipe for Hot Dog and Hamburger buns that I can make easily from scratch. When I make them I add whole wheat flour and usually make a double batch. Sometimes I use this dough to make Pizza.
I know that Wheat bread is better for me than White bread but it sure takes time to make it from scratch. White bread is what I usually eat because that is what the bakery makes!
Do you make your own bread? Do you eat white, whole what or multi-grain bread? Do you use a bread maker? Do you make your own pizza crust?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Day Wedding !
There are three steps to marriage here in Gabon. The first is the Traditional Wedding when the families of both bride and groom come together negotiate the "Bride Price". Officially in the country there should not be a "Bride Price" but all families require it. I have only been to one Traditional Wedding in which the "side of the groom" presents items to the "side of the bride". They refuse and say that she is worth more. Then the groom's family goes into huddle to see what else to offer. They hold back items and money to be able to present as the traditional wedding proceeds. Finally the Bride's family agree that the bride price offered for their daughter is enough and the couple then get to sit on the same love seat and are presented as Mr and Mrs, followed by the public "kiss" and of course a meal! These were all it took to get married in the past but not any more!
As far as the government is concerned however this couple are still Mr. and MISS! They no longer recognize Traditional Weddings. A public official must perform the wedding. Since this couple who married today had already been traditionally married for 19 years, they decided to have the official ceremony done in a home.
The Assistant Mayor of the town, a woman, performed the official marriage asking the necessary questions of the couple. One question was, "Do you plan on having a Monogamist marriage or a polygamous marriage! Yes, you read right. They have to chose weather the groom will have only one wife or if he will take more than one wife! Today he chose, Monogamist! A second question was if their possessions would be owned together or if their possessions would be owned separately. This couple chose, "Separate". I do not know why. I suppose these two questions could be considered like a prenuptial agreement that is made publicly at the official wedding ceremony. They exchanged rings, something not done in the Traditional wedding ceremony. It was the Assistant Mayor who pronounced them husband and wife and they kissed.
The third Wedding Ceremony is usually done at the church but since this couple had already been together for 19 years, they invited the Pastor to their home. He asked them some of the same questions that the Assistant Mayor had asked and he symbolically pronounced them husband and wife after having prayed a prayer of blessing over them. Unlike in the States, the pastors here can not sign the official wedding certificate.
Next was some soft drinks and appetizer which in this case was olives with toothpick in them. Following the appetizer was a reception line called the "Presentation of gifts". The guests go up and greet the new couple and leave a gift for them. A large meal followed but I did not stay for the meal today because I had other plans before I was even invited to this wedding.
Well, again, I say HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY all those who follow my blog!

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hospital Staff
Pictured are some of the 70 or so hospital staff members. Pray for them that they work extra hard to take care of the medical and spiritual needs of their patients. Pray that they would be encouraged as they minister in this way and that they would not also want to strike for more salary!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day!
I have satellite TV so will be turning on CNN at 5pm to watch the Inauguration program and of course at 6pm (my time) when Barack Obama is sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America
I have had company over for dinner so many times lately that for tonight I invited a few people over but asked them to bring their own "picnic". We'll eat together while watching the Inauguration but I will not have to fix it! That way I will be able to eat a simple, healthy meal and not have to fix food fit for company!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
HELP! Army Ants!
These ants have pincers so do NOT step on a column of ants. If even one goes up your leg, "he" will grab on to your skin with his pincers causing PAIN. You will have not be able to just brush him off of you, you will have to pick him off. Now imagine if you have several driver ants crawling up your legs. Sometimes the only way to get them off of you is to take your jeans/slacks off and start taking them off of you one by one!
When Driver ants enter a home they go in search of food so they easily find your kitchen. You had better hope that you washed or rinsed your dishes that day! They will scatter all over the kitchen, looking for food that is available. When they have eaten or carried off what food they want, they will leave.
If you start killing ants, you will have a real mess to clean up. It is best to just let them clean your kitchen for you!
Once I was in bed and I woke to a few ants pinching me. I got up and slept in the living room for the rest of the night because they had not come there. The ants were gone from the house in the morning. P.S. I was NOT eating in bed. Sometimes these ants check out the whole house and some people have even moved OUT for the night!
P.S. More about Ants can be found at the following link: