
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Catching Up!

Just this Sunday I finished a two month fall Mission's tour speaking in Alliance Churches and sharing about my ministry and that of the Bongolo Hospital. In September I started out by attending the MidAmerican District Alliance Womens' conference that was held in Orange City, IA. From there I spoke in Colorado and Nebraskan churches, finishing up two days ago. I was blessed by meeting many praying friends in these eight churches.

Now with just three weeks left before leaving for Gabon, I am playing "catch up" here in Omaha. With last minute purchasing to do, thank you notes to write, boxes to be packed for UPS to Ohio where a container is being prepared for shipment to Gabon and the hospital, emails to write, etc, I am enjoying the time to do these things. I'm also going out to eat with friends, still doing some speaking and enjoying watching the TV series "The Biggest Loser".

My date to fly to Gabon is December 8th. Pray that my entry permit (visa) be granted so that I can get on that plane. Thanks.

More to come….

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