
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Farewell to Yisinga!

During my more than 37 years in Africa I have worked with many churches and village chapels. I have now started a tour on Sundays moving from village to village saying farewell to those in the churches/chapels. So far I have been to two villages and I have two more "booked". I have others trips yet to arrange.

Here is Yisinga, where I was last week. I have ministered in this chapel many times over the years. Money from my friends in the States helped pay for the building of the chapel building (hangar type). Last Sunday attendance was 72 people. There were twelve who stood up at the end of the service to pray to accept Christ.  Praise the Lord!

After lunch on Sunday I was invited for a meal at the home of the Deacon and Deaconess. Villagers also gave me a gift of stalks of sweet bananas, cooking bananas (plantains) and also taro to take home with me.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Nursing School Retreat!

Friday noon September 5th through noon today we had a Spiritual Retreat for the 14 Nursing students and us four professors. A Christian Pediatrician from another city came to be the speaker. It was a great retreat and God Spoke. Here are some photos.