
Sunday, March 24, 2013


Lay Pastor Wilfrid preaching in French with translation into Yinzebi.
I went to Kanda Church this morning. Had to put my Nissan in 4 wheel drive to get through the mud holes. I guess a truck had been stuck earlier. My Nissan got through fine. 

There were 76 in church, half of those were children and youth. It is a very "alive" church. The Lay pastor Wilfrid gave a Palm Sunday message.
A few weeks ago the church's parsonage had been struck by a "tornado" like wind and the whole roof had been taken off. Sure enough, the whole roof was off of the house and on the ground next to it. It had not been well anchored down to the house. Some of the materials will be able to be used again but most will need to be paid for again and they are studying how to better anchor the roof to the brick house. The Lay Pastor was given a room in the house of one of the members of the church. It's good he is single, without a family right now since there is no house for him. Pray that the roof gets put back on quickly though. Oh, and Lay Pastor Wilfrid was not in the house at the time of the storm. Praise the Lord that no one was hurt. ..... sorry I forgot my camera at home today so I could not get a photo of the roofless house Here is a photo of the red brick church. The parsonage is at it's right side but not seen at all in this photo.

Today's Positives:
1. It rained so much yesterday, I was glad that it was not raining today. It was especially good to have a dry day because the roads were so muddy. How would I have even seen the ruts should they have been filled with water.
2. The Palm Sunday service in Kanda was very good, with a good message.
3. No one was hurt in the Tornado that took the roof off of the Kanda Church parsonage. What the Africans call a tornado is not a twister as in the U.S. It is a tropical wind storm, more similar to a Hurricane but with less rain.

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