
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

They're dead!

Exposed ant tunnels.

About ten days ago I paid a man to trim the front bushes and pull the weeds under the bushes. The bush trim and ground cleaning out revealed that the whole front of my house was filled with ANT nests and trails. Since that day, the big black ants have been coming into my house. I guess they did not like that their ant hills and homes were disturbed. They come in through a crack under a door opens from my bedroom to the outside.

I went online to find what would kill ants but would not kill plants. I found suggestions such as baking soda, cinnamon and corn meal. I have tried sprinkling baking soda on the ant hills but we have had hard rains every day and they soda just gets washed away. When Paul Davis, our maintenance manager at Bongolo came by today I asked him to look at my the hills. He immediately went to the garage and brought back a strong insecticide spray that he used on the whole front of my house, on the ant hills, ant trials, lower part outside of the house, the door where the ants come into the house, etc. He said that it would last a month.

An hour later I looked on the sidewalk on in front of my house. There were a number of big black ants, DEAD ANTS! WooHoo!

Today's Positives:
1. The ants are dead and not coming into my house.
2. I got some sorting done in my office this afternoon.
3. The rains that we are having right now have cooled down the hot, humid weather here. It is rainy season on the equator for at least another month or two. Then we will have three dry months. I wish we could send some of this rain to the drought areas of the U.S.

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