
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New Right Knee Brace!

Update from yesterday's blog. Many told me that they were praying that I would find a knee brace that fit.
Today Meladee Davis and I went looking for a brace that fit and we found one in the warehouse down by the tennis court. It is black, slips on like a sleeve but has metal braces on each side of my RIGHT knee. It is a good fit, not too tight but it does not slip down. This knee problem is on my RIGHT knee, not my LEFT knee which I broke last year. That knee is "fine", as fine as it is going to get. Now I have two knees to "nurse". It makes getting up and down from certain chairs more difficult but I'll figure it out. It is also harder to bend to pick up something from the floor. Looking at me getting in and out of the car is probably not a pretty picture. I can still drive. I imagine that I will need to wear this knee brace until my knee pain is gone. Thanks to those who have been praying for this new knee problem and also thanks to those who read my blog yesterday and have prayed that I find a brace that fit. Prayer answered.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Moral of the Story is..!

On May 2nd I was sitting on a plastic chair in the hospital pharmacy. The chair suddenly broke and collapsed sending me straight down to the floor. Four ladies help pick me up off of the floor because with my left knee that will not bend well, I am unable to make that maneuver. I have been hobbling around since then and seemingly in even more pain now. The pain, in my RIGHT (not the broken one) knee.

In preparation for getting an X-ray on my knee tomorrow I went down to the Hospital so the Dr. could write for the X-ray in my medical record book. Dr. does not work tomorrow. At the same time she wrote for the X-ray she did an exam of my knee and diagnosed my pain problem. When the Chair broke and collapsed under me on May 2nd my right knee's medial collateral ligament pulled/stretched.

Treatment? Ibuprofen and rest and use a knee splint/brace so that my knee will bend but not rotate side to side. Well, we went down to the supply department and there was only one such splint/brace. I put it on but it falls down when I try to walk. It is an XLarge. We'll have to look for another one, perhaps in the Surgery department. I will still have the X-ray tomorrow, to check on my osteoarthritis but that is not what is causing my pain these past 18 days.

The moral of the story is, if you are injured and you LIVE and WORK at a HOSPITAL, don't wait 18 days to see a Doctor!!

Here am I sitting with my splint on my right leg. No sense in using this one though since it just falls down to my ankle when I try to walk! The bright side is that I am not X-Large, at least my knee isn't!!

Today's Positives:
1. It was a national Holiday here so I did not have to work at the hospital and could sit for another day, resting my knee. I did give two make up exams but the students came to the house for these.
2. I finally asked a Dr. to see my painful knee.
3. My computer arrived back today from being repaired in the States. YES!

My returned computer!