In preparation for getting an X-ray on my knee tomorrow I went down to the Hospital so the Dr. could write for the X-ray in my medical record book. Dr. does not work tomorrow. At the same time she wrote for the X-ray she did an exam of my knee and diagnosed my pain problem. When the Chair broke and collapsed under me on May 2nd my right knee's medial collateral ligament pulled/stretched.
Treatment? Ibuprofen and rest and use a knee splint/brace so that my knee will bend but not rotate side to side. Well, we went down to the supply department and there was only one such splint/brace. I put it on but it falls down when I try to walk. It is an XLarge. We'll have to look for another one, perhaps in the Surgery department. I will still have the X-ray tomorrow, to check on my osteoarthritis but that is not what is causing my pain these past 18 days.
The moral of the story is, if you are injured and you LIVE and WORK at a HOSPITAL, don't wait 18 days to see a Doctor!!
Here am I sitting with my splint on my right leg. No sense in using this one though since it just falls down to my ankle when I try to walk! The bright side is that I am not X-Large, at least my knee isn't!!
Today's Positives:
1. It was a national Holiday here so I did not have to work at the hospital and could sit for another day, resting my knee. I did give two make up exams but the students came to the house for these.
2. I finally asked a Dr. to see my painful knee.
3. My computer arrived back today from being repaired in the States. YES!
My returned computer!
Glad you had a day to rest and elevate your leg! Hope you can uncover an immobilizer that fits to help you in the recovery process. So sorry about your pain. Getting your computer back is definitely a bright spot. Hang in there. May God give you His grace through the pain. Praying for you! Love from Barb and Herb