
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Beach Day!

One week ago today, Thursday, I drove to Libreville so I could pick up two official papers. I needed to get a safety inspection done on my vehicle and I needed to obtain a long-term (2 year) residency card for Gabon.  The Thelander family went with me and Keir helped me to drive the ten hour trip both Thursday and Sunday. I was so glad for that. I was able to obtain the two official documents that I needed.

Besides getting my papers, we went shopping and ate out in several restaurants. While much of the Northern world were "freezing", We were able to go to the beach on Saturday! I got in a nice walk on the beach. I didn't go into the water but was mostly the watcher of the purses. It was fun watching the others play.

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun that day! Very relaxing and beautiful! Come back soon and we'll have another trip to the beach.
