On Monday morning November 18th colleagues and I flew from Africa to Spain where we attended an "All-Africa" conference. It was great seeing people we had not seen for years, and meeting others we had heard about but never before met. We had helpful meetings and workshops. All of our food was included in the price of the hotel, much more food than we needed at the various buffet tables!
Although I was in a tourist area, I was able to do very little site seeing. Friends and I did walk around the hotel where there were cobblestone walkways between stores. On Friday a friend and I took an elevator down to the beach so we could walk on the boardwalk for awhile.
Saturday Nov. 23rd was travel day. We left the hotel at 11am and then had two flights to get to the equator where I live. It took til about 5:30 am Sunday before we got to the guest house. Tuesday we did the ten hour drive down to the hospital where we work on Tuesday.
My left leg/knee that I broke last year swelled up quite a bit all week. It will be good for me to get it home and back to my recliner with my feet up. I did not do extra walking during the week but I did lots of sitting with my feet down. This is not good for a leg that has bad circulation. Others drove us back to Bongolo on Saturday and since then I have been on antibiotics for my leg which seems to have "cellulitis". Today it is back to "normal".
Also, many people passed around some sort of a respiratory virus during the week. I went to the conference having problems with my allergies but that did turn into a "cold" and with my asthma, getting a cold is never a good idea. My lungs got what may have been a secondary infection. The antibiotics that I am taking for my leg have also helped clear up my lungs! :-)
Here are some photos of me in Spain.
Yep, I broke down and ate a B.K. Whopper! We have NO American chains in the African country where I live and eating a Whopper was a "little bit of America" to me.
Here is me by the Mediterranean Sea.