
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I’m a Survivor!

Today is my 6th Anniversary of being an Ovarian Cancer Survivor!

Most women with ovarian cancer do not find out about it until they are in the later stages of the disease. I had a very rare type (composite thecoma granulosa) that produced Estrogen hormone. This extra hormone in my body gave me symptoms, leading to early detection of the disease. In fact, I had surgery for another reason and did not find out I had cancer until the laboratory report came back AFTER the surgery. Then my symptoms made sense.

I had had a friend and colleague die of ovarian cancer so I was blessed to have had it found early, in stage one. Praise the Lord! I had no radiation nor chemo-therapy was necessary.

Today's Positives:

1. I am a 6 year ovarian cancer survivor!

2. I have almost 10,000 steps in today and it's not supper yet.

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