
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fish & Butterflies!

This afternoon I spent two hours at a "Fishing Hole", a river bed that was partially dried up. Quite a few of us went on a fishing and butterfly catching trip. The fish were for the aquariums of the two children who were along, Luke and Sara. Imagine going out fishing for tropical fish instead of buying them from an expensive pet store. Well, that's what we did! You can do that in the tropics where I live.
While some caught tropical fish, others caught butterflies. I took photos and mostly just tried to balance on the slippery rocks so I didn't fall and break a bone! In the 33 years since I arrived in Gabon, I had never been to this river bed!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Almost saw an Elephant!

Last weekend I traveled back to the hospital from Libreville and on that trip ALMOST saw an elephant!

Keir and Joanna Thelander and their kids Luke and Sara were with me in the car when we came to an area on the road where we saw about 15-20 men, one with a rifle and the others with machetes knives! Now, let me explain. People walk in the forest with a machete knife in case they see a snake so it was not strange to see a man with one but there were 15-20 men with them!!! I stopped the car to ask what was going on and they said that there were elephants in the forest and that these elephants were trying to get across the road. They had trampled the gardens of these villagers and the day before had destroyed a house. It is against the law to kill an elephant unless they come too close to the villages and start to do havoc in the plantations. These men were on an elephant hunt!

Some of us (not the kids) got out of the car and started to gaze into the forest, along with the men. We (Joanna and I) stood there for about fifteen minutes, watching the trees move, hearing the elephants (there were three I'm told). The elephants never did come towards the road and we had to keep going on our ten hour drive home so ..... I almost saw an Elephant! You realize I have lived in Gabon since 1977 and have never seen an elephant here. Maybe another day I will!

Beach Day!

One week ago today, Thursday, I drove to Libreville so I could pick up two official papers. I needed to get a safety inspection done on my vehicle and I needed to obtain a long-term (2 year) residency card for Gabon.  The Thelander family went with me and Keir helped me to drive the ten hour trip both Thursday and Sunday. I was so glad for that. I was able to obtain the two official documents that I needed.

Besides getting my papers, we went shopping and ate out in several restaurants. While much of the Northern world were "freezing", We were able to go to the beach on Saturday! I got in a nice walk on the beach. I didn't go into the water but was mostly the watcher of the purses. It was fun watching the others play.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Take Out Pizza... to the JUNGLE!

Yes, this evening I ate Take Out Pizza that was flown to my jungle home from the capital city. Our hospital now has a Cessna 207 Plane that will open an Air Ambulance Service. The plane will be based in the capital city but will ferry patients, medical supplies, visitors and International workers to and from our Hospital. The plane arrived a few days ago but today arrived a second time and we were able to order PIZZA to come with it. There is an Italian restaurant next to the airport and the pizza was delivered to us by PLANE! Now THAT was a FIRST!!

Today's Positives:
1. I did NOT eat the whole pizza which I have done in the past. I left some for tomorrow!
2. The cheese on the Pizza gave me the calcium that I need for my weak bones.
3. My laptop computer that would not start yesterday, started today!

P.S. More about the plane in a future blog entry.