We have a visiting Orthopedic surgeon at our jungle hospital so I was able to see him, having my first ortho check for my knee in 14 months. I had had an Xray in September which showed extra bone growth over my left replaced knee but an Xray this week showed no more extra bone growth so that was good. The Doctor said everything looked good, both metal and plastic in my knee. He examined my leg and said all was well, that my degree of knee bend was more than 86 degrees but less than 90 degrees. He did not have his angle measuring instrument with him. I had measured 86 degrees in Dec 2012.
The counsel that he gave me was:
1. Take good care of my knee because to replace it again would be extremely difficult.
2. NEVER fall. He told me that several times.
3. Walk as much as I can. When I asked how much he just said to walk as much as I can.
4. Walk on flat surfaces, not up and down the mountain that I live on. No worry there, I always drive up and down the mountain!
5. See an orthopedic surgeon every 2 years to make sure that the plastic in my knee is not wearing out. He said that the plastic can be replaced without doing the knee replacement again. He said that even if the surgeon says to come every five years, that I should see him every two years.
6. Continue to take my medicine for Osteoporosis (I take Boniva).
7. Continue to do a knee bending exercise because I still have the possibility of improving my knee bend.
I was very satisfied with my check up as was the surgeon.
I'm keeping plenty busy here. Doing a lot of meals for company as we have quite a few visitors. Teaching nursing students. There are only two more weeks of school and then final exams. The next quarter then starts right away the following week.