I was in the States from June until mid December when I returned to Africa where I work in a Christian Hospital. I sent some UHaul Cartons of purchases to a shipping company so that they could be shipped to me. About two weeks ago I heard that the ship had docked and that my "stuff" was in the country.
Today two trucks hauled container stuff about 350 miles from the capital city to the hospital. Well, they tried to haul the stuff. It RAINED ALL DAY. It was very slippery. Between our town and the next larger one there are road men working the dirt road and then with the rain it made it VERY SLIPPERY. One of the two trucks TURNED OVER. It was the one with our personal cartons on board.
A third truck was sent to the scene of the accident twice to haul our things to us. Yeah! All of my carton arrived. They were quite wet but there was no damage inside. WooHoo!
Today's Positives:
1. No one was injured when the truck overturned.
2. The third truck slipped off the road twice on it's return with our things. It was able to get back on the road.
3. All my cartons arrived and there was no water damage.
4. My Scale arrived! Yeah!!!
5. My cartons are all unpacked and most of the things put away!
6. Four out of five days of auditing is DONE!
7. Several friends are helping me get things done, thus decreasing my stress level.
8. God is my Strength and my Joy!