Yes, it is Veteran's Day and I am a Veteran. I served in the Army Nurse Corps way back before my 40 years as a Missionary Nurse. Today is Veteran's Day and many of the restaurants have free meals for Veterans. It's a really fun time for everyone. My friend Ann and I went to HyVee Grocery Store for a buffet breakfast. Here we are standing behind the Women's Quartet who was there singing patriotic and fun American songs.
Mid Morning I went to the eye doctor for a routine check up after cataract surgery. I have "dry eyes" which I've known about but now I know more details. My left eye always feels like it has something in it. The Dr. said that my eye glands were not producing enough oils. I need to start taking fish oil, doing eye drops more often, 4-6 times a day, and also do hot packs every evening. I then go back to see the Dr. in two months. My vision though has improved. My right eye is 20/20 and my left eye is 20/15!!
After the eye doctor I met my friend Ann at Wed. morning prayer meeting at church and then afterwards we went to Applebee's for our FREE LUNCH!!! I teach Conversational English tonight so won't be going out for a free supper!