Saturday we had a snowstorm in Omaha, 9.1 inches. I stayed home all day. Did go out and shovel the sidewalk near the front door for ten minutes of exercise. The homeowners' Association plowed the driveway. They may have done sidewalks too but I needed the exercise.


I woke up Sunday morning not knowing if the driveway was plowed or not. If it wasn't, I was going to have a hard time getting my car out of the garage. The drive was plowed so I was able to go to Sunday Bible Study and morning church service. I had received the group email from Pastor Mark Ashton the day before that yes, Christ Community Church would stay open. Many churches closed. The email reminded people that yesterday, February 5th would be the day that the church was launching a weekly online church service. We already have four services in the church, 2 services in a High School in the next county, one or two services in the city jail and now we have an online service. Here is the link to the online church service:
I leave this Saturday, February 11th, for a six week speaking trip. I'll be able to get back to Omaha twice the first week but then probably not after that. I'll be the speaker at the Mission's Conferences at seven churches. During this time I'll be speaking to children, youth, women, Sunday School, Sunday morning services, on the radio, at a Jr. College, at a High School and even at a Valentine's Banquet. Yes, this 62 year old never married woman will be the speaker at a Valentine's Banquet!!
Today's Positives:
1. I'm making progress in getting ready for my speaking trip (although still have lots to do).
2. My driveway got shoveled out so I could get to Church yesterday.
3. The weather in Omaha will be above freezing and sunny most of the week so our snow should melt! The ground did need the moisture but it's good that it will not last long.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.